1. I am allergic to everything. And its getting worse the older I get. Tree nuts, dander, pollen, mold, dogs, cats, and now pretty much any standard cosmetic.
2. I love makeup and hair care products, but because I'm allergic to most, its become a treasure hunt to find something that won't make me break out, swell up or itch like crazy.
3. I love etsy, pinterest and facebook. I could spend all day looking at stuff online.
4. Lists are my thing. I have a hundred little post it notes floating around my purses, in my car, in the kitchen, in the den. The satisfaction of crossing something off a list is hard to pass up.
5. I'm so messy. I have a love/hate relationship with cleaning. Toilets and dishes are the worst. I don't mind vacuuming and cleaning counters/tables.
6. I love to do laundry. We used to live in my grandma's house (built 1940's) and the laundry was in the basement. The washer was hooked up to the utility sink and when it would empty all the nasty water would pour into the sink. I loved seeing how gross the water was and knowing I was getting all those germs out of my clothes. Disgusting, I know.
7. I love going to concerts. I love listening to live music. We try and go every year, but who knows about this year. My two favorites are Pearl Jam and Tool.
8. I hate walking into a place I've never been before. I try and make my husband go with me to new places. I'm always afraid I'm going to go the wrong way, or do the wrong thing.
9. I hate talking on the phone. I hate ordering in the drive thru. I hate giving speeches. When I turned 16 I would try and get my younger brother to order for me. I think he did it once and we got some weird looks when we pulled up to the window.
10. If I am out at a restaurant, I don't like to order what anyone else is ordering. As a teenager, my friends would try and get me to order first and then order the exact same thing as me. I would then change my order at the last minute.
11. I miss playing soccer. I played from 6 years old until about 26 years old. I coached my stepson a few years ago and loved it. If I can ever get back into shape and find the time, I will be playing again.
That's it for now. If anyone is reading this link up and tell me about yourself.